Sunday, 12 April 2015

I Started A New Life

How My Life Changed With Arrival of a New Family member

Early in my childhood I was told to be quite a stoic. I was one of the whacky people who would look when a chicken is being slaughtered in a shop for the sake of curiosity. My friend Harshita used to exclaim how ‘insensitive’ I was! I am glad she has continued to befriend me for the past ten years or so despite my antiques. There were some families in my society who had pet dogs. One of them was Sparky, a white Pomeranian, whom  Harshita loved playing with. I never touched him. I did not like him that much. I thought he would dirty my clothes or scratch my skin with his nails. She had given up on me and accepted me with all my dysfunctionalities. I could not care less for any animal.

With my friend 'best friend' Harshita
One fine night, almost like a dream Casper came into our lives. A black and white English Springer Spaniel dog, he was flown from Kolkata to Delhi as a birthday gift for my sister by my loving aunt. I was at first scared of holding him. Slowly I attempted to touch his paws that were amazingly soft and spongy. As I started learning from him and caring for him my friends noticed a drastic change in my nature. Even now when I take Casper out for a walk, I would make sure no other dog messes with him. I am careful that he does not run out of the house. I have found some pet dogs who get lost from their foster homes leading a painful life as they are not used to the life of stray animals. I make sure Casper does his potty business in time as the failure of same indicates stomach problems. Before having lunch or dinner myself I give food to Casper first, he is the VIP.  Once I did not sleep the whole night because Casper was having a minor bleeding problem due to which he was restless the whole night and could not sleep. I stayed up with him to comfort him till the morning. At that time there was no availability of a vet. We had given him first aid and took him to a vet first thing in the morning.

With Casper
I do not think without Casper I could have activated my emotional side at all. Just like him I feel for other animals as well and how others need good care. I am enraged now if any stray animal is mistreated. I try to help him/her myself to the extent of giving food, or else I call for help. The journey with Casper has given me a new lease of life in terms of seeing my life and that of others from an all new perspective that is considerate and warm in contrast to the cold nature I used to demonstrate before. Also, I can not stand seeing a chicken being slaughtered. It is murder. Harshita is impressed by the way I have transformed from a devil-may-care to a nurturing sister especially after the arrival of Casper as a new member of my family.


Unknown said...

I loved this piece ! It's beautiful

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Who Am I

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A graduate in Journalism and a postgraduate in Political Science from Delhi University.

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